Friday, May 27, 2016



A satellite is a moon, planet or machine that orbits a planet or star. For example, Earth is a satellite because it orbits the sun. Likewise, the moon is a satellite because it orbits Earth. Usually, the word "satellite" refers to a machine that is launched into space and moves around Earth or another body in space.

Earth and the moon are examples of natural satellites. Thousands of artificial, or man-m
ade, satellites orbit Earth. Some take pictures of the planet that help meteorologists predict weather and track hurricanes. Some take pictures of other planets, the sun, black holes, dark matter or faraway galaxies. These pictures help scientists better understan d solar system and universe.
Still other satellites are used mainly for communications, such as beaming TV signals and phone calls around the world. A group of more than 20 satellites make up the Global Positioning System, or GPS. If you have a GPS receiver, these satellites can help figure out your exact location.

The bird's-eye view that satellites have allows them to see large areas of Earth at one time. This ability means satellites can collect more data, more quickly, than instruments on the ground.
Satellites also can see into space better than telescopes at Earth's surface. That's because satellites fly above the clouds, dust and molecules in the atmosphere that can block the view from ground level.
Before satellites, TV signals didn't go very far. TV signals only travel in straight lines. So they would quickly trail off into space instead of following Earth's curve. Sometimes mountains or tall buildings would block them. Phone calls to faraway places were also a problem. Setting up telephone wires over long distances or underwater is difficult and costs a lot.

With satellites, TV signals and phone calls are sent upward to a satellite. Then, almost instantly, the satellite can send them back down to different locations on Earth.
Satellites come in many shapes and sizes. But most have at least two parts in common - an antenna and a power source. The antenna sends and receives information, often to and from Earth. The power source can be a solar panel or battery. Solar panels make power by turning sunlight into electricity.

Sometimes these instruments point toward Earth to gather information about its land, air and water. Other times they face toward space to collect data from the solar system and universe.
Most satellites are launched into space on rockets. A satellite orbits Earth when its speed is balanced by the pull of Earth's gravity. Without this balance, the satellite would fly in a straight line off into space or fall back to Earth. Satellites orbit Earth at different heights, different speeds and along different paths. The two most common types of orbit are "geostationary" (jee-oh-STAY-shun-air-ee) and "polar."

A geostationary satellite travels from west to east over the equator. It moves in the same direction and at the same rate Earth is spinning. From Earth, a geostationary satellite looks like it is standing still since it is always above the same location.
Polar-orbiting satellites travel in a north-south direction from pole to pole. As Earth spins underneath, these satellites can scan the entire globe, one strip at a time.
Collisions are rare because when a satellite is launched, it is placed into an orbit designed to avoid other satellites. But orbits can change over time. And the chances of a crash increase as more and more satellites are launched into space.

In February 2009, two communications satellites - one American and one Russian - collided in space. This, however, is believed to be the first time two man-made satellites have collided accidentally.

Friday, May 20, 2016

What is Autocad(Introduction)?

                                   AUTO CAD

AutoCAD is a computer-aided drafting software program that enables the user to create precise 2- and 3-dimensional drawings used in construction and manufacturing.

Architects, Engineers and even artists use desktop computers to assist in their design projects. Programs like AutoCAD allows user to visualize their designs and deal with problems before they spend any of the resources required to realize them into physical form.
AutoCAD modeling takes various forms depending on the nature of project. AutoCAD program generates models as simple 2D (two-dimensional) illustrations of different views of an object or as elaborate 3D (three-dimensional) cross-sections that display each information in detailed graph. Some AutoCAD models are even animated, showing how all of the members of the model work together to accomplish its function.
Whether your engineering design process is simple or complex, AutoCAD modeling can significantly increases efficiency and speed of design work. First, a general idea is pondered to solve a specific problem. Next, CAD modeling is used to work out the particulars of the model's design. At one time, this step would have required several drafters making dozens of sketches and diagrams until a perfect model could be created. Now, a single CAD file can be made, edited, and continually tweaked until the object is ready for production!

Today 3D AutoCAD Models are being extensively used by numerous engineering verticals such as Structural, Architectural, Mechanical, Electrical, HVAC, etc. The use of AutoCAD modeling is extremely widespread; anything from stairs to high-rise buildings can be designed with the aid of AutoCAD program. Typically, one AutoCAD modeler can easily substitute several pen-and-paper drafters. AutoCAD software, however, can be very pricey. Also, training AutoCAD designers can also be expensive. Therefore, property developers, manufacturers and structural engineers prefer to outsource AutoCAD Modeling related work to offshore AutoCAD service provider companies to save on infrastructure and human resource costs!

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Friday, May 13, 2016


1) YOUTUBE                        Chad Hurley, Steve Chen, Jawed Karim

2) WHATSAPP                                                  BRIAN ACTON                                                            

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 4)FACEBOOK                                        Mark Zuckerberg

5)INSTAGRAM                                Kevin Systrom , Mike Krieger     

6)TRUECALLER                                    Alan Mamedi