Friday, February 19, 2016

What is Graphology?

How many of you know your HandWriting will gives an oppurtunity to someone read your Attitude & Behaviour.

  1. Your handwriting really say something about your personality by using Graphology.So many peoplethink that Handwriting is used to get good marks & impress to someone.But, we can use this Handwriting in  other way like this...
  2. If we take Handwriting is a branch then it has three subjects:
              1) Calligraphy
              2) Graphology
              3) Grapho-Theraphy
            Graphology is the science of analysis of handwriting. It studies the human mind through the pattern of writing followed by an individual. Graphology can almost successfully reveal the present state of mind of an individual, his relationship with his near ones, his emotions, so on and so forth. It can also be used to detect diseases of the brain and the nervous system. According to critics this science lacks empirical evidences and should not be used for personality tests. The practitioners defend graphology on the basis of the numerous cases that have been solved till date......

  •   Graphology has become popular in the west as a branch of psychology and helps in dealing with mental depressions and other psychological disorders.
  •   Graphology in the present times is being used as a therapy for personality correction. The concept of changing one's personality by changing one's handwriting is known as Grapho-theraphy.
  •  Graphology will not only help u to read one's mind but also in love letters,criminal cases & in courts.
  •   It is quite natural for parents to show concern for their children.Even though we have been seeing our children grow under our own eyes, ever since they were born, a stage comes in their lives when certain changes start taking place in their behaviour/ attitudes, which we are not able to understand.
                  Some funny pictures shows about HandWriting.....

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