Friday, March 18, 2016

How to read others thoughts by their gestures

                                               BODY LANGUAGE

Regardless of culture, words and movements occur together with such
predictability that Birdwhistell says that a well-trained person should be able to tell
what movement a man is making by listening to his voice. In like manner, Birdwhistell
learned how to tell what language a person was speaking, simply by watching his

Many people find difficulty in accepting that humans are still biologically animals.
Homo sapiens is a species of primate, a hairless ape that has learned to walk on two
limbs and has a clever, advanced brain. Like any other species, we are dominated by
biological rules that control our actions, reactions, body language and gestures. The
fascinating thing is that the human animal is rarely aware of his postures, movements
and gestures that can tell one story while his voice may be telling another.

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