Friday, August 26, 2016

Find the time that was really matter for yourself...

To keep your attention in the right place it is essential to remind yourself every day of what is truly most important to you.
Figure out how you can prevent those things from distracting you. It could be by:

  • Shutting the door to your office.
  • Putting your phone on silent mode.
  • Having notifications for your email shut off.
The answer could for instance be your smart phone, TV-shows you just watch out of routine and not because you like them very much and bringing your work back home.Reduce the number of blogs, newsletters, magazines, book clubs, podcasts, TV-shows etc. you follow. Just keep the ones you are really getting something out of.

Write down a list of the social activities you are involved in after college or work. Maybe you are involved in a club or an activity that it is not as fun or rewarding as it used to be. Maybe you want to rearrange your priorities a bit to focus on something else in 2016.

Really question and reconsider your own daily and weekly habits regularly instead of moving along in the same old tracks just because it is what you usually do.

Perhaps you would like to read more while riding the train or while waiting for a meeting to start. 
Even if you only have 20 minutes of commuting time each day you still have a many, many hours in a year that you may want to, at least partly, use in a new way.

Friday, August 19, 2016


Maybe late one night/early morning, you are walking to your car from a night club with friends and you get attacked! What do you think your considerations would be? Do you have confidence in the way you train and the tools of your martial art?
Let me just say I have always considered fighting – fighting! I mean (and for my purposes I only use fighting for self-defense) whatever method of fighting you choose – it should be inclusive enough to have methods to take on most kinds of attacks. So if the odd thug that wants your wallet or pack of dogs attack you, or that ever popular fight over the quarter on the pool table happens to you and you cannot use your deescalation techniques you have perfected over the years – you will have to fight back.

To me fighting not only includes unarmed methods but using weapons with my martial art methods. This includes various improvised weapons. To me this does not include depending on a weapon for self-defense but rather on my training.
Here is a video that initially speaks to improvised weapons that I like up to martial arts methods.
.... I do not think you need to be an expert in eastern stick or knife fighting to use a stick or knife with karate,you have to protect yourselves is the main thing.

Friday, August 12, 2016


Everyone in India knows that India got freedom from the 300 years of British Rule at the stroke of midnight as India moved towards August 15, 1947. Many of us know even the stories of struggle for independence as well. There have been millions of lives that sacrificed for this freedom and many of them are not even known or remembered.

The most important thing is that we remember and pay homage to these legends on this auspicious day. It is important for all Indian to think and pay respect to those who died for the country. There are virtually many reasons and ways of celebrating Independence Day. Varieties of contests, promotions and cultural programs are organized.

Independence Day of India is celebrated throughout India on 15th August every year with great splendor, joy and respect for Mother India. Many Indian cultural programmes are organized on the Independence Day. Indians dedicate this day to all those brave leaders and fighters who gave freedom to this golden bird on this day. Read on to know more about the significance and celebration of Independence day of India.

Independence Day is celebrated every year on 15th August. This was the day when India was freed from the British Rule. It is a national festival and has equal importance for every Indian regardless of religion, class, creed or race. The way of celebration is also the same throughout the country and that is the day when you will find whole India celebrating and rejoicing. Many cultural programs are organized and children love to watch them and participate in them.

When we talk about the achievements since independence, we need to mention advancement in science and technology in various fields. Today India is independent in manufacturing and producing many technical and industrial goods. We can take pride in the space technology and development in this field. There has been development and improvement in the infrastructure when we compare India before and after more than 70 years of independence.

However, all these things matter less until the people below poverty line are uplifted in the real sense. It is our social responsibility to help these people come out of the pathetic situation and attain basic necessities of life.

Friday, August 5, 2016


Bullying is unwanted, aggressive behavior among teens  that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. The behavior is repeated, or has the potential to be repeated, over time. Bullying includes actions such as making threats, spreading rumors, attacking someone physically or verbally, and excluding someone from a group on purpose.

  • Bullying can happen anywhere, but depending on the environment, some groups may be at an increased risk. Learn what factors increase the risk of children being bullied or children more likely to bully others and what warning signs can indicate that bullying may be happening. You can also find out how bullying can negatively impact kids.
  • No single factor puts a child at risk of being bullied or bulling others. Bullying can happen anywhere—cities, suburbs, or rural towns. Depending on the environment, some groups—such as lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender (LGBT) youth, youth with disabilities, and socially isolated youth—may be at an increased risk of being bullied.
  • There are many warning signs that may indicate that someone is affected by bullying—either being bullied or bullying others. Recognizing the warning signs is an important first step in taking action against bullying. Not all children who are bullied or are bullying others ask for help.
  • Bullying can affect everyone—those who are bullied, those who bully, and those who witness bullying. Bullying is linked to many negative outcomes including impacts on mental health, substance use, and suicide. It is important to talk to kids to determine whether bullying—or something else—is a concern.

Research tells us that children really do look to parents and caregivers for advice and help on tough decisions. Sometimes spending 15 minutes a day talking can reassure kids that they can talk to their parents if they have a problem.When adults respond quickly and consistently to bullying behavior they send the message that it is not acceptable. Research shows this can stop bullying behavior over time.