Friday, August 19, 2016


Maybe late one night/early morning, you are walking to your car from a night club with friends and you get attacked! What do you think your considerations would be? Do you have confidence in the way you train and the tools of your martial art?
Let me just say I have always considered fighting – fighting! I mean (and for my purposes I only use fighting for self-defense) whatever method of fighting you choose – it should be inclusive enough to have methods to take on most kinds of attacks. So if the odd thug that wants your wallet or pack of dogs attack you, or that ever popular fight over the quarter on the pool table happens to you and you cannot use your deescalation techniques you have perfected over the years – you will have to fight back.

To me fighting not only includes unarmed methods but using weapons with my martial art methods. This includes various improvised weapons. To me this does not include depending on a weapon for self-defense but rather on my training.
Here is a video that initially speaks to improvised weapons that I like up to martial arts methods.
.... I do not think you need to be an expert in eastern stick or knife fighting to use a stick or knife with karate,you have to protect yourselves is the main thing.

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