Friday, September 16, 2016

How to make a further step in everyday action?

One of the biggest and most common problems with improving your life or the success you want out of is that you may not take consistent action over a longer time period.consistency isn’t the sexiest or most exciting word.
 when I do my workouts and when I write. I don’t take responsibility for the results in my mind.I take responsibility for showing up and doing my workout/the writing. That’s it.

The results come anyway from that consistent action. And this makes it easier for me to take this action and so my energy and attention is only focused in one direction and I do a better job.

It could be to provide for your family, to save up for traveling, to get the job you really want or to raise your self-esteem. Take a few minutes, sit down with paper and pen and write down the top 1-3 reasons for why you take action and want to keep doing that in your life right now.....$$

Whatever you do during your day sends signals back to yourself about what kind of person you are. Do the right thing like being effective, kind, going to the gym or simply rest and you feel good.

Get lazy, negative or just plain mean and you tend to feel worse after a while. You don’t get away, there is no escaping yourself. And there is always a price to pay.

On some days getting started with any of the the most important tasks may seem daunting. And so you start to procrastinate. When that happens, one thing that has worked for me is to be kind. To nudge myself forward instead of beating myself up. I may make a deal with myself to just work for 5 minutes on a piece of a bigger and more difficult task.

When you appreciate your good work you feel even better about your life and yourself. And over time taking more action with less inner resistance becomes possible and you associate action with more positive emotions than you may at this time., how you learned a good lesson or how proud you are over something important you did today.

Reward yourself for the things you did right today to strengthen your action taking habit.
And remember to be kind to yourself for the things you may have missed or not gotten done. No point in trying to beat yourself up. No point in trying to be perfect.See what you can learn from it and perhaps try another solution tomorrow and see if that works better.

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