Friday, November 25, 2016

Quotes that can change your life.

1.   “All beginnings are hard.”
            No matter what you are undertaking in life, whether it’s learning a new language, embarking              on a career or working on a project, if you start something from scratch,
           you will suck at it at first. That’s part of the natural order and the way it should be. 
           Don’t worry too much about it and just keep at it until you get it right

2.  “The devil’s favorite piece of furniture is the long bench.”
        putting something on the “long bench” means putting it off
        procrastination long before the word was on everyone’s lips.
        What are you putting on the “long bench” that you could take care of right now?
         Don’t let the devil win.

3.  “He who rests grows rusty.”
        This saying states that in order to improve your skills, you have to continuously work on them.
         It also warns that if you want to achieve anything, the most important thing is to
          take action. Too many undertakings never get accomplished and die because
           of lacking follow-through. So get off your behind before it gets rusty.

4.  “Starting is easy, persistence is an art.”  
         Starting something is much easier than seeing it through to the end. Haven’t we all had
         the experience to be full of enthusiasm at the beginning of a new venture or
         undertaking only to have it fizzle out as time progressed? Keeping up your
          motivation is an art form in itself, one that needs to be cultivated.

5.    “Failure makes smart.”
         Many of us live in cultures that are very avert to failure. Nobody likes to screw up
         or fall on their face. However, what a lot of people forget is that failure is a necessity
         for learning. Without making mistakes, you will never understand how to do it right.
         To quote Samuel Beckett: “Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again, fail again, fail better.”

6.  “The cheapest is always the most expensive.”

        This saying is a reminder to invest into quality. While the first impulse is often to
        go for the cheapest option, most of the time it is worth spending a little more.
        Whether on study material, tutors, services, you name it. It almost always pays
         in the long run.

7.   “You don’t see the forest for all the trees.”
         In life it is important to see the big picture. If we only concentrate on the latest
         wins or failures instead of seeing our lives as a whole, we are vulnerable to fate’s
         whims and get frustrated easily.

8.   “First think, then act.” 
       Although taking action is important, it is of equal importance to take the right
        action. Determining which one that is requires some deliberate thinking. 
       This proverb reminds us to to set the right priorities and make decisions 
        about what we want instead of blindly rushing into battle.
9.  “Rush with the free time.”
          While it is important to work hard toward your goals and not be idle (Wer rastet, der rostet                     remember?), you have to make time to smell the proverbial roses along the way.
          If we are too focused on the outcome and the end result, it is easy to miss out 
           on all the fun getting there

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