Friday, December 9, 2016

Eat to live (or) live to eat: Food

When we heard about this word,the first thing that comes into our mind is tasty
Food.But I was thinking about that another question arises in my mind - we actually
Eat to live or live to eat. 

There have been many theories as to why people are fatter today than they were 100 years ago. Now you can choose to believe the BS about good calories and bad calories or that we are fatter because we don’t eat like our ancestors.

You can also choose to believe that calories don’t matter and we are fat because of the processed junk food we consume so much of. By taking a look at fat people, we can make the most probable assumption that they consume more calories than they expend. So, if you are in tune with what happens when energy intake is greater than expenditure, you know the excess energy is stored as body fat or contributes to LBM gain under certain situations.

Long time ago when we had to chase down our food and stab it with a sharp object, storing fat was essential for survival as it could be days or weeks before we might feast again. So after I expended all of that energy hunting down the non-vegetarian animals, you can bet your sweet loin cloth I am going to sit and stuff myself for the next few days. Now some of that ingested energy went to preserving lean body mass but a lot of the excess was shuttled right into my fat cells. Thankfully we have the ability to store fat, otherwise I wouldn’t be here today writing this article.

So here is what I have noticed. While it’s not revolutionary, it’s not something we think about much.It is important to enjoy food, and I consider myself an epicurean (I am extremely picky about the quality and taste of my food), but I would still eat something that tastes bad out of necessity just so I can enjoy good food later in life.

In my opinion I prefer Eat to live,not live to eat Why we need good Food Everyday. The human body is a pretty marvelous machine – unfortunately, over the many hundreds of thousands of years it has been stalking the earth it hasn't really evolved much at all.                               

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